Welcome to my website!

The intention of this website is to share with you the highest quality techniques and services I know of in order to assist you in becoming all you want to be!

My life work is self-empowerment and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is the fastest, gentlest and most powerful technique I know for helping us shift into our true authentic selves.

EFT is the fastest growing energy meridian technique in the world today—and rightfully so. EFT is my first love.

  • EFT often works where nothing else will.
  • When done properly, it is usually rapid, long lasting and gentle.
  • EFT doesn't use drugs and is non-invasive.
  • It is easily learned by young and old alike.
  • EFT is self empowering—you can do it for yourself.

The beauty of EFT means that I can help people all across Australia and right around the world!


EFT has been known to work in many areas that are difficult for more traditional techniques and mainstream medical protocols. Some of those areas include:

Performance Anxiety
Attracting Abundance
Success/Failure Syndromes

Fear of flying
Eating disorders
Weight loss
Creating Healthy Boundaries
Blood Pressure


"My passion is discovering what self empowers me and then sharing that with you."

Important Note:

While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it.

Maggie Adkins is not a licensed health professional and offers EFT as an ordained minister and as a Personal Performance Coach. Those who want to discuss the use of EFT for any physical problems should consult with a qualified physician or health care practitioner.

EFT Events and Retreats

If you would like to know about EFT events throughout Australia, please send Maggie an email with your name, email address and location (state only is okay).
I promise I will not give your email address to anyone and I will not send you a notice more than once a month.
Just click here>>

Therapists are routinely teaching EFT to their clients for use at home.

Teachers are learning it for use with their students.

Coaches are learning it for use with their top athletes.

Parents are learning it for use with themselves and their children.

"Some day the medical profession will wake up and realize that unresolved emotional issues are the main cause of 85% of all illnesses. When they do, EFT will be one of their primary healing tools—as it is for me."       Eric Robins, MD

Physicians are learning to use it for pain management with their patients and to help their patients release fear that might interfere with their healing process.

"At our clinic we are presently using EFT to help our patients overcome negative emotions that undermine their health, and to eliminate many forms of pain. We also use it to reduce food cravings that can sabotage healthy eating programs, and to implement positive life goals to support optimal health and well being. EFT is now a major component of our treatment program."    Dr. Joseph Mercola, D.D.O  (www.mercola.com)

Massage practitioners are blending it with their existing procedures for better and more lasting results.

Spiritual teachers are teaching it to their students to create more centeredness and calm.

Chiropractors, acupuncturists and homeopathy practitioners are augmenting their practices and teaching it to patients for self use.

With your new friend, EFT,
you can now take charge of your own life
in ways you may have never thought possible before.

EFT is very easy to learn and yet I have been studying, practicing and teaching it for over 21 years now. And I am STILL learning. If you are new to EFT or having a difficult time with your own issues, please consider working with a professional EFT practitioner.

Private sessions are very successful by phone
– if you don't believe that, give me a call.
I conduct phone sessions throughout the world.

After over 20 years of teaching EFT, I have turned that joyous act over to others. If you wish to become a practitioner I suggest you investigate Lorna Hollinger’s Australian Tapping Institute (ATI). This is an international online training that encompasses all levels of EFT and has been doing so since 2018. You can find out more about Lorna’s trainings by clicking on this link.

I feel very blessed in this life of mine. To have been introduced to energy meridian techniques over 22 years ago has been a true blessing, both to myself and to my clients. I feel most honoured to have been given the highest designation in EFT – that of EFT Founding Master – in March, 2006.

While I consider myself a general EFT practitioner, there are certainly issues that I love working with and I will share some of those with you here.

Business Mentoring Programs with other EFT practitioners and small business owners is one of my very favourite specialties. There is room for all of us to be successful in our chosen field.  Email me for more information on these programs.

Releasing the Critical Mind into Self Acceptance is a major issue for many. That sharp critic some of us have inside us knows no boundaries. It can create an obstacle in just about any issue, and the fascinating thing is that quite often, we don't even hear ourselves doing it! We have no benchmark for it because we have done it our whole life. EFT can help us to see it, acknowledge it, and release it! It might show up as the saboteur in weight loss, relationships, business success or failure, abundance or lack thereof – and that's just the beginning of the list... The judging mind decreases self esteem and can affect us in any area of our life. Please see the article in the Maggie's Articles portion of this website.

Working with the emotions within pain is an area I love to work in. I am not a doctor and cannot talk about curing or healing the body. It is amazing, though, how much the body can change when you release old angers or sadness, grief or guilt or a myriad of other emotions. See Maggie's Articles section of this website for my article on working with pain.

Horses are also one of my major loves and I have found that working with horse people can, not only change the person, but affect the horse's behaviour also.

Some of the other areas I have extensive experience with include:

  • Creating healthy boundaries
  • Fear of speaking or performing in public
  • Environmental Illness
  • Other chronic dis-eases
  • PTS (Post Traumatic Stress)
  • Sexual trauma/abuse
  • Relationship issues
  • Depression
  • Fears
  • Panic & Anxiety attacks
  • Phobias
  • Weight loss
  • Chronic Anger Issues
  • Self acceptance issue
  • Abundance or Poverty issues

I believe in being what I call "God's fool." This means I listen to that voice inside and trust my intuition when working with clients. I find this helps quicken the process of healing and sometimes leads me in directions my logical mind would not take. AND, the more I use my intuition, the more it is there for me.

As I said in the beginning of this, my life is truly blessed and I am deeply grateful for the opportunities I have been given to share EFT and who I am with others.

Private sessions are available for $175 by phone or in person.

Maggie Adkins – EFT Founding Master
PO Box 2305, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Australia
Phone 0420 314 837   Email earthwomandreaming@bigpond.com